Catch the stagecoach to the beautiful city of Prague. Prague's small winding streets are bustling with tourists and there is much to do and see. Visit historically interesting buildings such as the Great Synagogue and the National Theatre or chill out in Kampa Park. Be sure to try the local beer when you visit.
Modern Rome is a beautiful and vibrant city, with the magnificent Colosseum and ancient ruins which make it a delight to visit. Rome is a tourist city, with many places to visit, and souvenirs to collect. Be sure to visit the city Zoo, which has many animals, including the ferocious Elsie the Lion.
Rome does have some remnants from the past, hidden deep within the city. Tours are often given to there, and give you a real taste of what Ancient Rome was like.
Surrounded by towering walls, the town of Hamelin is large and rambling, and is filled with the noises of people rushing about on their daily business. Hamelin is a lively town, with much to see and do, and the locals are usually too busy to bother with you. The local guards police the town, and are known to be very strict with offenders.
Hamelin holds lots of interesting buildings, and the local people are very colourful. It has many shops and houses, and also has a large library which is renowned for being a place of research. It also has a Tavern and Inn where you can stay the night, or have a couple drinks.
Beilefeld is a tough Military town, with many dark and twisting streets. It is quite a small town, with a modest number of shops. It also has an Inn and a Pub, and a temple, which is now dark and deserted.
The Town can be a little rough at times, as there is no police force present to keep the peace. The barracks are well guarded and visitors are not made welcome.
Visionar floats high up in the sky, far above the rest of the realm. It is a place where adventuring is commonplace. The local mayor takes care of the city's funding, whilst the sovereign royalty watch over from their exquisite palace to the west.
Visionar has many buildings closely built within quite a small area, but it prospers well with the local economy strong. It also houses a hostel where adventurers can rest for the night. Unfortunately, all is not as it seems here - a large vortex floats over the city for people to leave... and also for other beings to arrive...
You'd better wrap up warm and take a big stick with you if you go for a stroll around the village of Skara Brae. It is bitterly cold and windy, and the attitude of its inhabitants isn't much more welcoming. You'll certainly know you are getting near the village, as it gets colder and colder.
Try not to irritate the locals as you marvel at the giant ice columns, and try not to dislodge any of the huge stalactites. There seems to be a strange sense of pervading gloom in the air, and the Ice people are not their usual murderous selves.