OBI = Piotr Przybylek
Right, my name is Peter or if you prefer polish version Piotr,
nickname Obi. I am a student of BEng 4 Electronic &
Information Engineering in
University of Huddersfield. But I'm in
England only for one year :(
because of my TEMPUS program scholarship...
OK, you can know now what I'm interested in, and what I look like, or just read my hints for Terradome players.. :)
which I wrote after reading Daedelus hints. You can find some cool links here.
What am I doing in England?
First of all I'm studying here. Second, I'm still trying to improve my English,
which is terrible as you can see. Third, I'm enjoying England :)
And of course I'm trying to do all of that playing Terradome!
The picture right here is taken from the Terradome.. or one of the future version of it.. really i don't remember when it was done :)
- nickname: OBI
- age: more than 23 and less than 24
- weight: about 66 kg
- height: lets say: 178 cm
- zodiac sign: Cancer
- hair: has, black, usually short
- eyes: has, two brown, in good condition
- legs: two, one right and one left
- hands: two, he's righthanded
- special signs: He had a mustache, but now he hasn't
- normal speed: unknown
- abnormal speed: depends..
- smoking?: NEVER!!!
- drinking?: Sometimes.. prefers lager
- drinking speed: approx. 3 pints/hour
- IQ: MENSA member, but what is the IQ by the way? Maybe eye-queue...
Here's some of my favourite films, books, authors, games, muds, music, etc.:
- -polish: 'Seksmisja', 'Vabank', 'PSY'...
- -others: 'Highlander', 'Blade Runner', 'Thing', 'Star Wars',
- -polish: 'Wiedzmin' ...
- -others: 'Ubik', 'Dune', 'Gateway', ' Nine Princes in Amber',
'The Stars my Destination', 'Ender's Game'...
- -polish: A.Sapkowski, S.Lem...
- -others: Philip K.Dick, F.Herbert, F.Pohl, R.Zelazny, A.Bester,
M.Resnick, O.S.Card, H.Harrison, R.A. Heinlein, I.Asimow, R.Silveberg, J.R.R.
Tolkien, W.Gibson, U. Le Guin, A.McCaffrey, D. Brin, L.Niven... and more and
- -polish:???
- -others: Might & Magic (III,IV,V), Amber Star,Dungeon Hack,
Black Crypt, Lands of Lore, Hero Quest, Hired Guns... and i found that DOOM is
very relaxing for me last time...
- -polish: ???
- -others: It is only one, the best of all:
- -polish: Perfect...
- -others: Sisters of Mercy, INXS, U2, Sheryl Crow, Cranberries...
So you know now that I love SF. But I'm crazy about computers too. That means all, from computer games, music, graphics, animation to programming.
I like to write programs in Borland Pascal, which I think is almost as good as
Borland C/C++. And with a few assembler routines and external graphics libraries can be better (faster and smaller code) than C programs. Really! Maybe I'm not as good a C-programmer as a Pascal one but I think I have right.. sometimes.. I think so..
Now I just finished work on Terradome Zone Tester program (YES it is working!) version 1.06 (the latest one). My own zone is ALMOST finished too and I hope it will appear on the test mud soon.. New version of TZT probably will be available too.. so watch the untouchable ftp site for it!
Even more hints for mortals - now from OBI!
Daedelus hints are gone but i will keep these.. although they are not as good..
- ask for a reset every 10 minutes, coz if you dont ask frequently
there will not be any reset at all.
- always use shout instead of say or tell and repeat it minimum 3
times if you want to be heared.
- never try to sleep! If you want to be healed ask all Untouchables about it. It is their job to heal you if you want it.
- quests are not important at all but if you want to get easy experience
points just kill the Chicken Licken and you will get 100 quests points
every time you kill him.
- every 15 mins you spend in Village Hanger are bonused 10k points!!! Nobody know it!
- the best way to get more points is to fight with more than 2
opponents at the same time. Try to kill orcs, bats or mosquitoes and you will
get extra points (approx. 15k) for killing the last one!
- always wait first 15 minutes after reset, because every mobile
has awesome armour and fatal damage at first!!! You will die if don't wait!
- if you see nothing special after examining items, that's mean that you
have to repeat command! Do it as many time as you see description of the item! Every item has a description!!!
- never try to move objects, coz they are always traps!
Links you can try:
Piotr Przybylek
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