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Who am I ?

Name: Karri Kuoppamäki

Address: Helsinki, Finland

Marital Status: Happily married and soon a proud father.

Age: I was born in 1969 but I feel like I'm still 20

Height: about 183 cm

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Dark brown

Rest of the body: Intact

Occupation: R&D Engineer

Employer: Nokia Telecommunications, here's a more interesting Nokia homepage.

My MUD history
Well, it all started in january 1995. I was studying in London at the Middlesex University as an exchange student and one day I bumped into a www page containing links to several MUD's. I decided to try a MUD called The Northern Lights (try it, it's an excellent MUD) and after that nothing has been the same... I got my first wizards there about 6 months later. I liked mudding a lot and after my first wiz I have wizzed in 4 other muds (including this and Terradome). I still like running, but I think that from now on I'll concentrate on zone making. (If I would only have time ;)
Why the name Barrymore ?
People always ask if my first name is Drew or even worse, Michael. To make a long story short, here's the origin of my name. One of my favourite hobbies is skiing (downhill that is) and when I was a teenager we used to watch skiing movies made by an excellent skiier. Since my style too was aggressive and similar to this awesome skiers my friends gave me a nickname. It was that man's surname, Barrymore. It was a long time ago and I don't think that those videos exist anymore but if you have a chance to watch them, do it :-). Btw, my friends don't call me Barrymore anymore but I've adopted it as my alias.
Thank's everyone
And lastly, but not least, I would like to thank everyone in TerraFirma and Terradome.

You can email me at

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