New Years Eve did not work out as I'd anticipated. Consequently I'm offering the following items for sale:
- 50 Caliber machine gun with tripod, 1,000,000 rounds of ammo with tracers
- 5 M16's with grenade launchers and 2000 grenades (500 incendiary, 1500 shrapnel)
- 100 white phosphorus aerial flares
- 10 quick-acting cyanide capsules
- 2 100,000 gallon capacity reservoirs (One filled with gasoline, the other filled with fresh water)
- 2 Honda 1000Kw diesel generators
- 1000 lbs. Beef jerky
- 500 lbs. of beans, rice, and tofu
- 5000 roles of toilet paper
- 2 Katydyn 150 gallon per hour water filters
- 3 person bomb shelter. (must be extracted from the ground)
- Geiger counter
- 16 land mines (you must have a metal detector to purchase these items, which are buried in the yard)
- Assorted camouflage clothing ensembles
- 8 copies of "The Anarchist's Cookbook"
- 1 copy of "The predictions of Nostradamaus"
- 1 copy of "How to perform an emergency appendectomy on yourself"
- 1 copy of "What to do when the antichrist approaches your bomb shelter"
- 3 copies of "Killing the other people in the bomb shelter is not going to solve anything"