Welcome. Recorded by Ted/Mystique, here is the events that took place back in 1998 regarding the last Terrafirma Mud-Wedding ceremony of the 20th century. I nearly fell of my chair when I came across this. So here it is.

Peace people.

TerrA>ex board
You examine the board closely
== Bulletin Board =============================================================

 WRITE   <subject>
 MESSAGE <number>

There are 19 messages on this board.

 Message    Author       Subject

    1       Lucas        killers for hire                             
    2       Bliss        Passwords                                    
    3       Lucas        Guess the weight competition              
    4       Lucas        BBQ Details. All Invited                   
    5       Nick         Re: Emily/Carrie                             
    6       Lucas        re:BBQ in Oxford. Directions and Details here!‚
    7       Ted          re : Hatfield                                
    8       Luckyspin    Re:Norway                                    
    9       Nick         re Ted                                       
   10       Nirvana      Scotland                                     
   11       Bliss        At last...                                   
   12       Emily        Re Bliss                                     
   13       Zaphod       Re: Bliss                                    
   14       MindFlayer   Emily.                                       
   15       Bliss        re Emily                                     
   16       Lucas        Summer Time and your Character            
   17       Zteuer       Re:re:Norway                                 
   18       Luckyspin    Re:Norway                                    
   19       Lucas        re:norway                                    

TerrA>mess 11
== Bulletin Board =============================================================
Message by : Bliss
Date       : (Wed Jun 24 23:37:12 1998)
Subject    : At last...
Number     : 11
Hiya. Well, at last MindFlayer and I are tying the knot! After the longest engagement in the history of the world (perhaps a slight exaggeration) we are getting married on this Friday (26th) at 4pm. (so long as I don't have a viva *cower*)
Lucas is doing the honours as far as the ceremony is concerned; everybody is welcome, and we would really like you to be there.
Meet in the tavern, and we'll leave from there to a mystery location...
Hope to see you on Friday,
TerrA>at Bliss ex Bliss
Abandoning her usual garb of black leather, Bliss stands before you, a
vision in white, her long golden hair tumbling over her shoulders, is
interwovern with delicate flowers which shimmer and glisten in the sunlight.
Her eyes still hold the same power over you as before, but her face is
different somehow, more serene. She blushes and smiles as she notices
you watching her, and as your eyes reluctantly leave her face you see
the wedding gown in all its glory.
Unlike most gowns there is no train, it is simply cut, complimenting
perfectly the natural surroundings of the ceremony, but as you look
closer you notice that every fibre seems to be shimmering, almost
glowing. Blinking in wonder, your attention is caught by something
else, and as she turns away, you catch sight of the back of her dress
and see a beautiful pair of angel-wings.
Her hands clasp a beatiful bouquet of flowers, glimmering like those in
her hair and a bracelet of what appears to be raindrops dangles from her wrist.
You examine Bliss's inventory.
Bliss has no inventory worthy of note.
Lucas gossips 'there's a wedding on very soon. could ppl make their way to the tavern if they want to go to it'
TerrA>goto Bliss
Location [Angels3] Flags [CantSummon][NoSummon][Peaceful][Soundproof][Party]
You are standing in the Elysian Fields
You see :
  Bliss standing here providing light.
Obvious exits are :
  North : Elysian Fields                                : angels4
  East  : Empyrean                                      : angels2
  West  : Ephemeral Plane                               : angels19
  Down  : Joyous Brook                                  : angels6
You tell everyone that it's cool.
TerrA>Bliss hugs MindFlayer.
TerrA>Carrie has arrived from the north.
TerrA>TerrA>Carrie smiles happily.
TerrA><Lucas> cue Bliss
TerrA>Bliss says 'ok lets go north'
TerrA>Bliss hears the Essay Monster coming and runs off north to avoid it.
Location [Angels4] Flags [CantSummon][NoSummon][Peaceful][Soundproof][Party]
You are standing in the Elysian Fields
You see :
  Azrael standing here providing light.
  Asur standing here.
  Uriel flying here providing light.
  Marv standing here.
  Lucas standing here providing light.
  Sickboy standing here providing light.
  Bey standing here providing light.
  Cryogenius standing here providing light.
  MindFlayer standing here providing light.
  Marple sitting here.
  Bliss standing here providing light.
Obvious exits are :
  South : Elysian Fields                                : angels3
  West  : Golden Meadow                        : angels5
TerrA>Azrael waves his hand mystically and the ring flies into it.
TerrA>Bey cheers Bliss on.
TerrA>Bliss curtseys gracefully.
TerrA>Azrael waves his hand mystically and the ring flies into it.
TerrA><Cryogenius> da da daaaa da dada daaaa da
TerrA>MindFlayer bows before Bliss.
TerrA>Bliss gives everyone a community hug!
TerrA>Carrie has arrived from the south.
TerrA>Azrael smiles happily.
TerrA>Lucas whistles appreciatively at Bliss.
TerrA>Bliss blushes a lovely shade of red.
TerrA>Bey examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Bey examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>Carrie examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Carrie examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>Lucas examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Lucas examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>Sickboy examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Sickboy examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>Azrael examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Azrael examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>Bliss blushes a lovely shade of red.
== Who =========================================================================
 Level      Location    Title
 ---------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------
 [Lord    ] [Somewhere] [Lucas]
 [Master  ] [Home     ] Welcome Home >< [BSc]
 [Stalwart] [Angels   ] MindFlayer the Awesome >:-)
 [Stalwart] [Angels   ] Cryogenius [Away]
 [Stalwart] [Angels   ] Bliss might even be graduating this year!
 [Counsel ] [Angels   ] Bey
 [Counsel ] [Angels   ] Got 20 tonnes of sushi lovin fun, yum yum :)
 [Counsel ] [Angels   ]  Two weeks good behaviour! :o)
 [Counsel ] [Angels   ] cant stand maths!!!!
 [Classic ] [Angels   ] Azrael:  Good for children and animals.
 [18      ] [Home     ] beep Nick if you want him [Idle]
 [17      ] [Angels   ] Carrie is VERY STRESSED
 [8       ] [Angels   ] Marple the Slayer
 [5       ] [Beach    ] Negrokin the Hunter
 [5       ] [Angels   ] Marv the Huntress
 [3       ] [Angels   ] Asur the Explorer
There are 16 visible people currently on the game. { 10 Untouchable }
TerrA>Bey whistles appreciatively at Bliss.
TerrA>Marple examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Marple examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>MindFlayer takes hold of Bliss's hand.
TerrA>Asur examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Asur examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>Lucas says 'very nice'
TerrA>Bliss smiles at MindFlayer.
TerrA>Flea meanders in happily and says 'hiya'.
TerrA>Lucas smiles happily.
TerrA>Bliss says 'why thank you'
TerrA>Bliss hugs Lucas.
TerrA>MindFlayer whistles appreciatively at Bliss.
TerrA>Lucas asks 'cold the bride and groom step forward?'
TerrA>change title me &+M%s the Brides maid
Title changed on Ted.
TerrA>Lucas says 'could'
TerrA>Lucas blinks, then slaps his forehead and screams 'DOH!'
TerrA>Flea smiles happily.
TerrA>MindFlayer steps forward.
TerrA>Bliss steps forward.
TerrA>Bey comforts Lucas, and offers his sympathy.
TerrA>Cryogenius examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Cryogenius examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>Lucas asks 'do we have a bestman and bridesmaid?'
TerrA>Cryogenius whistles appreciatively at Bliss.
TerrA>Azrael says 'yep'
TerrA>Bey says 'it's the bride that's suppose to be nervous..'
You exclaim 'Here!'
TerrA>Flea starts crying traditional wedding tears
TerrA>Carrie exclaims 'and here!'
TerrA>Lucas asks 'Could you stand either side of the happy couple?'
TerrA>Lister assumes the lotus position.
TerrA>Bliss says 'er, yes....we have three bridesmaids'
TerrA>Asur smiles happily.
TerrA>Carrie grins broadly.
TerrA>Azrael stands next to the groom.
TerrA>Marv laughs her head off.
TerrA>MindFlayer beams brightly at Azrael.
TerrA>Marple grins broadly.
TerrA>Bliss smiles at Ted, Flea and Carrie
TerrA> steps to the opposite of Bliss to MindFlayer.
TerrA>Azrael pats MindFlayer on the back.
TerrA>Flea stands to the side of Bliss
TerrA> steps to the opposite of Bliss to MindFlayer.
TerrA>Lucas says 'ok...husg now...'
TerrA>MindFlayer is ready!
TerrA>Lucas says 'ssh'
TerrA> steps to the opposite of Bliss to MindFlayer.
TerrA>Lucas grins broadly.
TerrA>Lucas says 'Dearly beloved,'
You nod solemnly.
TerrA>Carrie stands at Bliss's side.
TerrA>Bliss hugs her bridesmaids
TerrA>Flea hugs Bliss.
TerrA>Cryogenius hugs Bliss.
TerrA>'I can't emote :o(
You say 'I can't emote :o('
TerrA>Lucas says 'We are here today to celebrate the love between two very special people'
TerrA>MindFlayer beams brightly.
TerrA>Uriel flies south.
TerrA>Bliss smiles happily.
TerrA>Lucas says 'Bliss and MindFlayer.'
TerrA>Lucas just tried to flee even though he isn't fighting!
TerrA>Bliss grabs her sides and tumbles to the floor in hysterics.
TerrA>Flea laughs at Lucas.
TerrA>Carrie rolls on the floor in drooling hysterics.
TerrA>Lister grins broadly.
TerrA>MindFlayer comforts Lucas, and offers his sympathy.
TerrA>comfort Lucas
Bliss says 'its Flea'
TerrA>You explain to him that it'll all come out in the wash.
TerrA>Bliss blinks at Lucas, slaps her forehead and screams 'DOH!'
TerrA>Lucas smiles happily.
TerrA>Azrael smiles happily.
TerrA>Bliss smiles happily.
TerrA>MindFlayer grins broadly.
TerrA><Bambi> hi
TerrA>Flea hugs Bambi.
TerrA>hug Bambi
You hug Bambi.
TerrA>Lucas says 'The future is unknown to any of us,'
Bambi gossips 'afternoon'
TerrA><Bliss> hiya
TerrA><Bey> hiya
TerrA><Azrael> just in time
TerrA><Sickboy> hiya trina
TerrA>Lucas says 'yet their love for one another and their trust ..'
TerrA>Bambi hugs you close.
TerrA><MindFlayer> wedding
Location [Angels4] Flags [CantSummon][NoSummon][Peaceful][Soundproof][Party]
You are standing in the Elysian Fields
    You find yourself walking through verdant, lush fields of grass and
clover.  The ground swells and drops in gentle slopes.  You feel a great urge
to remove your shoes so that you can feel the tiny white flowers that cover
the fields tickle your feet.
    More fields lie to the south, while a bright yellow colour emanates from
the west.
You see :
  Azrael standing here providing light.
  Asur standing here.
  Lister sitting here providing light.
  Marv standing here.
  Lucas standing here providing light.
  Sickboy standing here providing light.
  Bey standing here providing light.
  Cryogenius standing here providing light.
  MindFlayer standing here providing light.
  Marple sitting here.
  Bliss standing here providing light.
  Carrie standing here.
  Flea standing here providing light.
Obvious exits are :
  South : Elysian Fields                                : angels3
  West  : Golden Meadow                        : angels5
TerrA>Marple bursts into tears.
TerrA>Flea smiles at Bambi.
TerrA>beckon Bambi
You beckon Bambi to come closer.
TerrA>Lucas says 'sa you now make in our midst.'
TerrA>Lucas smirks.
TerrA>Lucas blinks, then slaps his forehead and screams 'DOH!'
TerrA>Lucas grins broadly.
TerrA>Bliss giggles in a fit of uncontrollable mirth.
TerrA>Lucas says 'Bliss and MindFlayer if it is your intention to share with each'
TerrA>MindFlayer asks 'Its been one of those days, riight Lucas?'
TerrA>Bey smiles happily.
TerrA>Lucas says 'other all that the years will bring, with your promises .'
TerrA>Bliss thinks that it makes the vicar in Four weddings look competent...
TerrA>Bey grabs his sides and tumbles to the floor in hysterics.
TerrA>MindFlayer laughs his head off.
TerrA>Lucas says 'bind yourselves to each other as husband and wife.'
TerrA>Bliss sniggers under her breath.
TerrA>emote finaly takes a space next to Bliss and the other Bridesmaids.
You emote : Ted finaly takes a space next to Bliss and the other Bridesmaids.
TerrA>Bliss tells you ';)'
TerrA>Lucas says 'ok ok...'
TerrA>Bliss kneels down, takes Lucas's hand and makes a heartfelt apology to him.
TerrA>Lucas says 'I'll get straight to the main part...'
TerrA>Flea cheers Lucas on.
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'I liked the speach though >:-)'
TerrA>Lucas says 'MindFlayer will you take Bliss to be your wedded wife? (wait)'
TerrA>MindFlayer says '>:-)'
TerrA>Bliss says 'me too.'
TerrA>Bliss beams brightly.
TerrA>Lucas asks 'Will you love, comfort, honor and respect her?'
TerrA><Cryogenius> shouldn't that be 'mudded wife'?
TerrA>Lucas says 'Will you promise never to place her on the ignore list,'
TerrA><Bliss> shut it smart arse. ;)
TerrA>MindFlayer grins broadly.
TerrA>Bliss giggles in a fit of uncontrollable mirth.
TerrA>Marple grins broadly.
TerrA><Lister> rofl
TerrA>Lucas says 'and to be there through the splits? Will you promise to email'
TerrA>Cryogenius grins maniacally.
TerrA><Azrael> shhh you'll spoil it
TerrA>chat tut tut
<Ted> tut tut
TerrA>TerrA><Bliss> sowee
TerrA>Lucas asks 'and to chat and never to flood her until system crash you do part?'
TerrA><Azrael> :)
TerrA>Bliss laughs her head off.
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'I most certainly do! >:-)'
You giggle like a schoolgirl.
TerrA>Lucas asks 'Will you share all  life has to offer online with her from this day forward?'
TerrA>Bliss smiles at MindFlayer.
TerrA>Bliss says 'whoops'
TerrA>Bliss says 'premature declaration...'
TerrA>Lucas says 'err..thats your cue..(say I will)'
TerrA>Carrie grabs her sides and tumbles to the floor in hysterics.
TerrA>Bliss grins broadly.
TerrA>MindFlayer exclaims 'Yes sir, I will!'
TerrA>Cryogenius says 'not a good sign... ;o)'
TerrA>Azrael sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>MindFlayer exclaims 'Great... Lagging already!'
TerrA>MindFlayer bursts into tears.
TerrA>Lucas smiles at MindFlayer.
TerrA>Lucas says 'uh oh'
TerrA>Asur sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>Lister is so happy that he cries!
TerrA>Bliss smiles at MindFlayer.
TerrA>Lucas says 'ooo..lag'
TerrA>Cryogenius wipes the tears from his cheeks.
TerrA>Bliss says 'me too'
TerrA>Lucas wipes his brow and says 'WHEW!'
TerrA>Azrael is seriously lagging. Lagmonster strikes again!
TerrA>Bey nods solemnly.
TerrA>Flea is seriously lagging. Lagmonster strikes again!
TerrA>Lucas says 'right...'
TerrA>Carrie comforts Azrael, and offers her sympathy.
TerrA>Lucas asks 'Bliss, will you take MindFlayer to be your wedded husband?'
TerrA>Azrael thanks Carrie whole-heartedly.
TerrA>Lucas asks 'Will you love, comfort, honor and respect him?'
TerrA>Flea hands Azrael a tissue.
TerrA>Lucas asks 'Will you promise never to place him on the ignore list, and to be there through the splits?'
TerrA>Azrael needs more than just one tissue.
TerrA>Azrael sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>Flea gets out the Kleanex
TerrA>Bliss smiles at MindFlayer.
TerrA>Carrie bursts into tears.
TerrA>Lucas says 'Will you promise to email and to ..'
TerrA>Flea hugs Carrie.
TerrA>Lucas asks 'never to flood him until system crash you do part?'
TerrA>Marple blubs
TerrA>Carrie hugs Flea.
TerrA>Carrie sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>Lucas asks 'Will you share all life has to offer online with him from this day forward?'
TerrA>Bliss says 'I will.'
TerrA>MindFlayer beams brightly at Bliss.
TerrA>Flea hands out her cleanex to everyone, in anticipation of all the crying
TerrA>Lucas jumps up and down and yells 'Grrrrrrrrrrrreat!'
TerrA>emote is soooo happy for the two of you!!!! :o)
You emote : Ted is soooo happy for the two of you!!!! :o)
TerrA>Uriel flies in from the west.
TerrA>Bliss holds MindFlayer lovingly.
TerrA>Cryogenius cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Marv sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>Lister laughs his head off.
TerrA>Flea cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Carrie cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Marv cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Lucas says 'ok..mindY...repeat after me...'
TerrA>Lucas says 'I MindFlayer, take you Bliss, to be my wife, my friend, my love.'
TerrA>Marple blows her nose noisily.
TerrA>Azrael clambers to his feet.
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'I MindFlayer, take you Bliss, to be my wife, my friend, my love,'
TerrA>Bliss smiles at Marple.
TerrA>Lucas says 'I promise to love you and laugh with you as long as we'
TerrA>Marple smiles at Bliss.
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'I promise to love you and laugh with you as long as we...'
TerrA>Lucas says 'both shall live. This is my solemn vow.'
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'both shall live. This is my solemn vow. >:-)'
TerrA>Lucas smiles happily.
TerrA>Bliss smiles happily.
TerrA>Lucas says 'now Bliss...'
TerrA>Lucas says 'I Bliss, take you MindFlayer, to be my husband, my friend, my love.'
TerrA>Bliss prays for no typos..
TerrA>Bliss says 'I, Bliss, take you MindFlayer, to be my husband, my friend, my love.'
TerrA>Cryogenius smiles at Bliss.
TerrA>Lucas says 'I promise to love you and laugh with you, comfort and encourage you, be open with you and stay with you'
TerrA>emote thinks that the cut and paste facility is rather useful at times like these :o)
You emote : Ted thinks that the cut and paste facility is rather useful at times like these :o)
TerrA>MindFlayer whistles appreciatively at Bliss.
TerrA>Lucas seems to think you might be right.
TerrA>Cryogenius seems to think you might be right.
TerrA>MindFlayer grins broadly.
TerrA>Flea smiles at you.
TerrA>Azrael laughs his head off.
TerrA>Carrie rummages through her belongings.
TerrA>Bliss says 'I promise to love you and laugh with you, comfort and encourage you, be open with you and stay with you.'
You giggle like a schoolgirl.
TerrA>Bey seems to think you might be right.
TerrA>Uriel flies south.
TerrA>Lucas says 'as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow.'
Location [Angels4] Flags [CantSummon][NoSummon][Peaceful][Soundproof][Party]
You are sitting in the Elysian Fields
    You find yourself walking through verdant, lush fields of grass and
clover.  The ground swells and drops in gentle slopes.  You feel a great urge
to remove your shoes so that you can feel the tiny white flowers that cover
the fields tickle your feet.
    More fields lie to the south, while a bright yellow colour emanates from
the west.
You see :
  Lucas standing here providing light.
  Bambi standing here providing light.
  Bliss standing here providing light.
  Azrael sitting here providing light.
  Sickboy standing here providing light.
  Negrokin sitting here.
  Marv standing here.
  Carrie sitting here.
  MindFlayer standing here providing light.
  Bey standing here providing light.
  Cryogenius standing here providing light.
  Marple sitting here.
  Asur sitting here.
  Lister standing here providing light.
  Zaphod sitting here providing light.
  Flea sitting here providing light.
  Elmo sitting here.
Obvious exits are :
  South : Elysian Fields                                : angels3
  West  : Golden Meadow                        : angels5
TerrA>Marv assumes the lotus position.
TerrA>Cryogenius assumes the lotus position.
TerrA>Negrokin rummages through his belongings.
TerrA>Lucas asks 'who has the rings?'
TerrA>Sickboy wipes his brow and says 'WHEW!'
TerrA>Azrael says 'me'
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'Azr'
TerrA>Zaphod asks 'what?'
TerrA>Bliss says 'okay..'
TerrA>Negrokin details himself.
TerrA>Zaphod says 'bah'
TerrA>Zaphod sulks in the corner.
TerrA>MindFlayer grins broadly.
TerrA>Azrael gives his ring to Lucas.
TerrA>Azrael gives his ring to Lucas.
TerrA>Bey examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Bey examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>Lucas asks 'could you pass them to MindFlayer?'
TerrA>where bouquet
[2172]      bouquet - wedding7       | In the store cupboard
TerrA>Carrie examines Azrael curiously.
TerrA>Carrie examines Azrael's inventory.
TerrA>Bliss says 'as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow.'
TerrA>Lucas examines himself discreetly.
TerrA>Lucas rummages through his belongings.
TerrA>Lucas says 'ah..'
TerrA>Lucas says 'does me'
TerrA>Azrael grins broadly.
TerrA>Lucas holds the rings.
TerrA>Zaphod coughs.
TerrA>Flea examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Flea examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>MindFlayer examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>MindFlayer examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>Carrie examines MindFlayer curiously.
TerrA>Carrie examines MindFlayer's inventory.
TerrA>Flea examines MindFlayer curiously.
TerrA>Flea examines MindFlayer's inventory.
TerrA>Negrokin sighs loudly.
TerrA>Lucas says 'Dear God, let these rings be to Bliss and MindFlayer a symbol of'
TerrA>Lucas says 'unending love, to remind them of the vows which they have made this day.'
TerrA>Lucas examines himself discreetly.
TerrA>Lucas rummages through his belongings.
TerrA>Zaphod examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Zaphod examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>Lucas examines his ring closely.
TerrA>Carrie examines Lucas curiously.
TerrA>Carrie examines Lucas's inventory.
TerrA>Lucas gives his ring to MindFlayer.
TerrA>Bliss raises an eyebrow at Lucas.
TerrA>Negrokin details himself.
TerrA>Lucas says 'MindFlayer...'
TerrA>Cryogenius examines MindFlayer curiously.
TerrA>Cryogenius examines MindFlayer's inventory.
TerrA>MindFlayer nods solemnly.
TerrA>Lucas says 'repeat after me'
TerrA>Negrokin examines himself discreetly.
TerrA>Negrokin rummages through his belongings.
TerrA>Marple has lost the Kleenex
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'Sure will.'
TerrA>Lucas says 'I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage. With my body I honor you, all that'
TerrA>Negrokin examines himself discreetly.
TerrA>Negrokin rummages through his belongings.
TerrA>Zaphod winks at Bliss.
TerrA>Flea examines MindFlayer curiously.
TerrA>Flea examines MindFlayer's inventory.
TerrA>Lucas says 'I am I give to you, all that I have I share with you.'
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage. With my body I honor you, all that....'
TerrA>Lucas says '(give her your ring)'
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'I am I give to you, all that I have I share with you....'
TerrA>Asur gives Marple another box of Kleenex
TerrA>MindFlayer gives his ring to Bliss.
TerrA>MindFlayer smiles at Bliss.
TerrA>Negrokin says 'very romantic'
TerrA>Lucas gives his ring to Bliss.
TerrA>Marple thanks Asur whole-heartedly.
TerrA>Flea cheers MindFlayer on.
TerrA>Marv makes a silly face and says 'Awwww'.
TerrA>Flea bursts into tears.
TerrA>Lucas says 'Bliss..repeat after me..'
TerrA>Elmo bursts into tears.
TerrA>Bliss wears her ring.
TerrA>Azrael sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>Carrie cheers MindFlayer on.
You make a silly face and say 'Awwww'.
TerrA>Bliss smiles happily.
TerrA>Carrie sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>Negrokin cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Carrie sniffs.
TerrA>Lucas says 'MindFlayer, I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage. With my body I honor you,'
TerrA>Marple bursts into tears.
TerrA>echo &+CThis is *+MSO &+Csweet!
This is *+MSO sweet!
TerrA>TerrA>'damn colour codes
You say 'damn colour codes'
TerrA>Carrie smiles at Sickboy.
You sulk.
TerrA>Bliss says 'MindFlayer, I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage. With my body I honour you.'
TerrA>Lucas says 'all that I am I give to you, all that I have I share with you.'
TerrA>Bliss removes her ring.
TerrA>Flea cheers MindFlayer on.
TerrA>MindFlayer beams brightly at Bliss.
TerrA>Marple rummages through her belongings.
TerrA>MindFlayer takes hold of Bliss's hand.
TerrA>Flea cheers Bliss on.
TerrA>Bliss says 'all that I am I give to you, all that I have I share with you'
TerrA>Elmo examines Marple curiously.
TerrA>Elmo examines Marple's inventory.
TerrA>Carrie cheers Bliss on.
TerrA>Lucas smiles at Bliss.
TerrA>Flea smiles happily.
TerrA>Carrie smiles at Lucas.
You sigh happily.
TerrA>Lucas says 'you may give MindFlayer his ring'
TerrA>Bliss gives her ring to MindFlayer.
TerrA>Carrie examines MindFlayer curiously.
TerrA>Carrie examines MindFlayer's inventory.
TerrA>MindFlayer wears his ring.
TerrA>Marv cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Bliss wears her ring.
TerrA>Bliss examines her ring closely.
TerrA>MindFlayer examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>MindFlayer examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>Lucas says 'now both wear the rings'
TerrA>Flea smiles at the happy couple
TerrA>Carrie examines Bliss curiously.
TerrA>Carrie examines Bliss's inventory.
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'Done >:-)'
TerrA>Bliss nods solemnly.
You beam with utter brilliance.
TerrA>Zaphod cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Asur sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>Zaphod asks 'done?'
TerrA>Elmo sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>Azrael cheers Bliss on and congratulates her on her success.
TerrA>Flea sings.
TerrA>Bliss beams brightly.
TerrA>Carrie beams brightly at MindFlayer.
TerrA>Marv sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>Zaphod asks 'that it?'
TerrA>Lucas says 'Before God and this congregation and throughout Cyberspace you have given your consent'
TerrA>Carrie beams brightly at Bliss.
TerrA>Azrael cheers MindFlayer on and congratulates him on his success.
TerrA>Zaphod whistles appreciatively.
TerrA>Lucas says 'and made your marriage vows to each other.'
TerrA>Flea cheers MindFlayer on.
TerrA>Negrokin sighs loudly.
TerrA>MindFlayer exclaims 'we aint done 100% yet!'
TerrA>Carrie whistles appreciatively.
TerrA>Flea cheers Bliss on.
TerrA>Azrael calms down.
TerrA>Lucas says 'You have declared your marriage by joining of hands and by giving and receiving a ring.'
TerrA>MindFlayer nods solemnly.
TerrA>Lucas says 'By the power vested in me by the State of TerraFirmA I hereby pronounce to the world that you are husband and wife.'
TerrA>emote ists and smiles in utter happiness at the radient couple.
You emote : Ted ists and smiles in utter happiness at the radient couple.
TerrA>Uriel flies in from the south.
TerrA>Marv cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Bey cheers Bliss on.
TerrA>Elmo sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>Flea cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Marple cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Marv sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>MindFlayer beams brightly at Bliss.
TerrA>Azrael cheers Bliss on and congratulates her on her success.
TerrA>Elmo cheers Bliss on.
TerrA>Lucas says 'you may kiss the bride ,MindFlayer'
TerrA>Bey cheers Bliss on and congratulates her on her success.
TerrA>Flea hugs Bliss.
TerrA>Bliss holds MindFlayer lovingly.
TerrA>Azrael cheers MindFlayer on and congratulates him on his success.
TerrA>Marple throws confetti
TerrA>MindFlayer stares dreamily at Bliss.
TerrA>Negrokin cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Bey cheers MindFlayer on and congratulates him on his success.
TerrA>MindFlayer holds Bliss lovingly.
TerrA>Flea cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>MindFlayer kisses Bliss gently, his lips lingering.
TerrA>cheer mind
You cheer MindFlayer on.
TerrA>Marv gives everyone a community hug!
TerrA>Cryogenius cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Lucas cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Cryogenius does an impressive backflip and triple somersault.
TerrA>Lister waves his hand mystically and the rice flies into it.
TerrA>cheer mind
You cheer MindFlayer on.
TerrA>Azrael cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Bliss takes hold of MindFlayer's hand.
TerrA>Lister throws the rice.
TerrA>Zaphod whistles appreciatively.
TerrA>Lister grins broadly.
TerrA>Marv whips out a spear and dances like a zulu warrior.
Elmo whistles appreciatively.
TerrA>MindFlayer gives Bliss a warm and loving embrace.
TerrA>Marv makes a silly face and says 'Awwww'.
TerrA>Elmo loses consciousness and falls to the floor!
TerrA>Bliss waves her hand mystically and the bouquet flies into it.
TerrA>Zaphod asks 'so who do i get to kiss then?'
TerrA>Negrokin rolls his eyes.
TerrA>Asur throws confetti!
TerrA>The champagne is created before you!
TerrA>[Weather change to Sun by Cryogenius]
TerrA>The champagne is created before you!
TerrA>The champagne is created before you!
TerrA>Sickboy says 'me Zaphod ;)'
TerrA>Bliss says 'wait....'
TerrA>Sickboy grabs his sides and tumbles to the floor in hysterics.
TerrA>Zaphod kisses Sickboy deeply.
TerrA>Negrokin rummages through his belongings.
TerrA>Sickboy laughs at Zaphod.
TerrA>Lister takes the rice.
TerrA>Negrokin rummages through his belongings.
TerrA>Lister throws the rice.
TerrA>Bliss asks 'ready for the throwing of the bouquet?'
TerrA>Marple examines the rice closely.
TerrA>Flea throws confettie  everywhere
You nod excitedly.
TerrA>Zaphod says 'yeah'
TerrA>Bliss examines her bouquet closely.
TerrA>Marple boogies on down.
TerrA>Negrokin takes the champagne.
TerrA>MindFlayer says '3'
TerrA>Bliss says '3'
TerrA>Bliss says '2'
TerrA>Bliss says '1'
TerrA>Asur waits to catch the boquette
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'hit it'
TerrA>Bliss throws the bouquet.
TerrA>t all
Cryogenius ducks the expected blow.
TerrA>You take the rice.
You take the bouquet.
You take the champagne.
You take the champagne.
TerrA>Flea fumbles around looking for something useful.
TerrA>** (Lucas) SYSTEM CALL : Congratulations Bliss and MindFlayer!
TerrA>Asur fumbles around looking for something useful.
TerrA>Zaphod says 'bah'
TerrA>Lister applauds wildly.
TerrA>Bliss waves her hand mystically and the champagne flies into it.
TerrA>Asur fumbles around looking for something useful.
TerrA>Cryogenius cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Lister shakes hands with MindFlayer.
TerrA>Carrie fumbles around looking for something useful.
TerrA>MindFlayer exclaims 'Ted takes the bouquet!'
TerrA>Flea cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Lister gives Bliss a great big bone-crushing bearhug!
TerrA>Lister gives everyone a community hug!
TerrA>Bey cheers Bliss on.
TerrA>Lister waves happily.
TerrA>MindFlayer shakes hands with Lister.
TerrA>Bliss gives everyone a community hug!
TerrA>throw rice
Azrael smiles at you.
TerrA>You throw the rice.
TerrA>Asur sighs loudly.
TerrA>MindFlayer thanks Bliss whole-heartedly.
TerrA>Bliss thanks Lucas whole-heartedly.
TerrA>drop champagne
Bliss thanks you whole-heartedly.
TerrA>You drop your champagne.
TerrA>MindFlayer thanks Lucas whole-heartedly.
TerrA>Carrie cheers with great gusto!
TerrA>Marple says 'so who's the lucky man, Ted? ;)'
TerrA>Bliss thanks Flea whole-heartedly.
TerrA>Bliss thanks Carrie whole-heartedly.
TerrA>Lister says 'Lovely ceremony Lucas.'
TerrA>Flea hugs Bliss.
Your cheeks are burning.
TerrA>Sickboy hides his eyes.
TerrA>Flea thanks Bliss whole-heartedly.
TerrA>Carrie hugs Bliss.
TerrA>Sickboy hides behind Lister.
You giggle like a schoolgirl.
TerrA>Zaphod smiles happily.
TerrA>Bliss thanks Bey whole-heartedly.
TerrA>Carrie hugs MindFlayer.
TerrA>Cryogenius gives Bliss a great big bone-crushing bearhug!
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'Thanks Lucas... That was great >:-)'
TerrA>:Lucas: phew..didnt make a complete mess of it :)
TerrA>Bliss thanks Zaphod whole-heartedly.
TerrA>Zaphod kisses Bliss deeply.
TerrA>Bey smiles at Bliss.
TerrA>Carrie gives everyone a community hug!
TerrA>Zaphod smiles happily.
TerrA>:MindFlayer: It was nice >:-)
TerrA>Cryogenius pats Lucas on the back.
TerrA>[Stencil the Enchanter enters in the northwest tower airlock (start6)]
TerrA>[Stencil is from United Kingdom]
TerrA>The Town crier sings aloud 'Would you please join me in welcoming in Stencil'
TerrA>'I have my eyes on soeone..but they keep turning me down :o(
You say 'I have my eyes on soeone..but they keep turning me down :o('
TerrA>Elmo is so happy that he cries!
TerrA>:Bliss: thanks a lot,  :)))
TerrA>Asur smiles happily.
TerrA>hug Bliss
You hug Bliss.
TerrA>Carrie makes a silly face and says 'Awwww'.
TerrA>MindFlayer takes hold of Bliss's hand.
TerrA>Sickboy says 'changing rooms brb'
TerrA>Carrie says 'poor Ted'
You are carrying :
    A beautiful bridal bouquet.
    A magnum of chilled champagne.
TerrA>drop chanpagne
Drop what?
TerrA>Bliss says 'thank you all so much for coming to our wedding.'
TerrA>Flea comforts you, and offers her sympathy.
TerrA>drop champagne
You drop your champagne.
TerrA>Uriel flies west.
TerrA>[Quitting Game: Stencil]
TerrA>[Stencil has departed from the northwest tower airlock (start6)]
TerrA>Flea cheers Bliss on.
TerrA>Lucas smiles happily.
TerrA>Negrokin says 'my pleasure'
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'Thank you... It was really nice.. Esp here in Heaven >:-)'
TerrA>Sickboy waves happily.
TerrA>Asur waves happily.
TerrA>Carrie waves happily.
TerrA>Flea asks 'now to the honeymood for you 2?'
TerrA>Sickboy says 'well done guys, see ya'
TerrA>Those nasty lecturers have made Sickboy log off :~(
TerrA>Bliss says 'I guess so. :)'
TerrA>Marple examines the champagne closely.
TerrA>Flea says 'cool ceremony'
You wave happily.
TerrA>Flea says 'have fun'
TerrA>Bliss takes the champagne.
TerrA>Lucas smiles at Flea.
TerrA>Marple asks 'Party now?'
TerrA>Flea gives Bliss the old nudge, nudge, wink, wink routine.
TerrA>Flea gives MindFlayer the old nudge, nudge, wink, wink routine.
You say 'enjoy'
TerrA>Bey grins broadly.
TerrA>Flea grins mischievously.
TerrA>Carrie gives MindFlayer the old nudge, nudge, wink, wink routine.
TerrA>MindFlayer beams brightly.
TerrA>Negrokin sighs loudly.
TerrA>Bliss giggles in a fit of uncontrollable mirth.
You giggle like a schoolgirl.
TerrA>Carrie grabs her sides and tumbles to the floor in hysterics.
TerrA>Negrokin clambers to his feet.
TerrA>Negrokin says 'well'
TerrA>Zaphod says 'so now you can be unfaithful  Bliss'
TerrA>Bliss exclaims 'right, now, Flea go catch your train!'
TerrA>MindFlayer exclaims 'oi!'
TerrA>Bliss slaps Zaphod across the face!
TerrA>MindFlayer hugs Flea.
TerrA>Negrokin says 'things to do'
TerrA>MindFlayer thanks Flea whole-heartedly.
TerrA>Flea gives everyone a community hug!
TerrA>Zaphod throws back his head and cackles with glee!
TerrA>Bliss gives Flea a MEGA hug!!!
TerrA>Elmo hugs Flea.
TerrA>MindFlayer hugs you close.
TerrA>Carrie hugs Flea.
TerrA>Flea says 'keep in touch'
TerrA>MindFlayer hugs Carrie.
TerrA>Negrokin has gone down.
TerrA>MindFlayer exclaims 'You too!'
TerrA>Suddenly, Lister is encased in a stasis field and gradually vanishes.
TerrA>Carrie hugs MindFlayer.
TerrA>Flea hugs the weddiong couple  and wishes them lkuck
TerrA>Bliss holds MindFlayer lovingly.
TerrA>mind is this your last day?
You ask MindFlayer 'is this your last day?'
TerrA>MindFlayer tells you 'no monday....'
TerrA>Flea says 'bye all'
TerrA>Bey waves happily.
TerrA>Bliss waves happily.
TerrA>MindFlayer says 'Bye....'
TerrA>Lucas danders off down.
TerrA>Bliss says 'bye bye'
TerrA>Marple exclaims 'bye!'
TerrA>Bey says 'seeya'
TerrA>mind oh..that's not too bad then :o)
You tell MindFlayer 'oh..that's not too bad then :o)'
TerrA>Azrael waves happily.
TerrA>Carrie waves happily.
TerrA>Zaphod snuggles up to Bliss.
TerrA>Cryogenius waves goodbye.
TerrA>Zaphod winks suggestively.
TerrA>Zaphod waves happily.
TerrA>Flea waves her hand mystically and the locket flies into it.
TerrA>Elmo gives Flea a MEGA hug!!!
TerrA>Zaphod hugs Flea.
TerrA>Flea gives her locket to Bliss.
TerrA>where vase
[870 ]         vase - hamelin5       | Inside the overcoat worn by Street dealer in the hamelin streete
[1268]         vase - icecave8       | In the the cave of the ice people
[1437]         vase - newbie42       | In the riding hood's home
[1861]         vase - rome132        | In the alae
TerrA>The Awesome MindFlayer jumps starts the flying carpet and PING... Gone! <:-(
TerrA>Bey says 'gotta go. Seeya later'
TerrA>Bey waves happily.
TerrA>summon vase
The vase magically appears in your hand.
It was in hamelin5       | Inside the overcoat worn by Street dealer in the hamelin streete
TerrA>Flea says 'a present for the occasion'
TerrA>Bliss hugs Bey.
TerrA>Bliss hugs Bey.
TerrA>Bliss hugs Bey.
TerrA>Bliss hugs Bey.
TerrA>Flea smiles happily.
TerrA>Flea says 'bye all'
TerrA>at mind give vase to mind
You clamber to your feet.
You give MindFlayer your vase.
TerrA>Marple rummages through her belongings.
TerrA>Flea waves goodbye.
TerrA>Elmo has left the game.
TerrA>[Quitting Game: Elmo]
TerrA>[Elmo has departed from the elysian fields (angels4)]
TerrA>Zaphod asks 'so who was who??'
TerrA>Flea bursts into tears.
TerrA>Bey blows a kiss to Bliss.
TerrA>Bliss says 'wow..thanks'
TerrA>mind from Bingo :o)
You tell MindFlayer 'from Bingo :o)'
TerrA>Bliss hugs Flea.
TerrA>MindFlayer shouts 'Thanks people! >:-)'
TerrA>Flea hugs Bliss.
TerrA>Bey waves happily.
TerrA>Bliss wears her locket.
TerrA>Zaphod asks 'who was best man?'
TerrA>Bey has left the game.
TerrA>Bey abandons the party they were leading.
TerrA>MindFlayer tells you 'Thanks Sammy >:-)'
TerrA>Flea waves sadly as she departs terrafirma.
TerrA>[Quitting Game: Flea]
TerrA>[Flea has departed from the elysian fields (angels4)]
TerrA>Azrael says 'me'
TerrA>You feel the danger pass as Bliss fades out of sight...
TerrA>Azrael asks 'shall we repair to the bar????'
TerrA>where vase
[870 ]         vase - wedding2       | carried by MindFlayer in the crystal bedroom
[1268]         vase - icecave8       | In the the cave of the ice people
[1437]         vase - newbie42       | In the riding hood's home
[1861]         vase - rome132        | In the alae
TerrA>Zaphod says 'yeah'
TerrA>Carrie says 'I think so :))'
TerrA>Azrael says 'redress even'
TerrA>Marv exclaims 'sounds good!'
TerrA>Azrael grins broadly.
TerrA>[TheCat the Slasher enters in the northeast tower airlock (start3)]
[TheCat is from United Kingdom]
TerrA>The Town crier sings aloud 'Would you please join me in welcoming in TheCat'
TerrA>Zaphod says 'take us there'
TerrA>Azrael asks 'anyone have a preference?'
TerrA>Cryogenius shrugs helplessly.
TerrA>Zaphod says 'don't care'
TerrA>Cryogenius clambers to his feet.
TerrA>Marple exclaims 'bar i think!'
TerrA>[Quitting Game: TheCat]
TerrA>[TheCat has departed from the northeast tower airlock (start3)]
TerrA>Carrie clambers to her feet.
TerrA>Zaphod goes off to find some froody people.
TerrA>Marple clambers to her feet.
TerrA>Carrie has gone down.
TerrA>Marv clambers to her feet.
TerrA>Asur clambers to her feet.
TerrA>Marv has gone down.
TerrA>goto ham41
Location [Hamelin41] Flags [NoMobiles][NoMagic][Peaceful][Party][Start][Healing]
You are standing in the Ye Olde Turfe Taverne
You see :
  A rather large spittoon that can be used to deposit items.
  A door leading to the Reading Room.
    The door is closed.
  Lucas standing here providing light.
  Carrie standing here.
  Marv standing here.
Obvious exits are :
  South : Behind the Bar                                : hamelin42
  West  : Hamelin Streete                            : hamelin2
  Up    : Vortex                                        : start2
TerrA>hug Lucas
You hug Lucas.
TerrA>Asur has arrived from above.
TerrA>Carrie hugs Lucas.
Azrael gossips 'ask for trans'
TerrA>Lucas when does it all go up on couples list then?
You ask Lucas 'when does it all go up on couples list then?'
TerrA>Asur has gone south.
TerrA>Carrie opens the door.
TerrA>Carrie has gone east.
TerrA>The dust on the floor gathers up into the form of Cryogenius.
TerrA>Marv disappears in a puff of smoke.
TerrA>You are summoned by Zaphod.
TerrA>Location [Village12] Flags [CantSummon][NoMobiles][Peaceful]
You are standing in the Old Seadog Inn
You see :
  A huge fireplace.
    The fireplace is lit.
  A pump labelled 'Terra Special Brew'.
  A heavy iron poker.
  A large japanese lantern sitting on the counter.
  Friar tuck standing here.
  The Bard standing here.
  Brian the barman standing here.
  Azrael standing here providing light.
  Zaphod standing here providing light.
  Negrokin standing here.
  Marv standing here.
  Carrie standing here.
Obvious exits are :
  East  : Behind The Bar                                : village13
  West  : Inn Yard                                      : village11
Zaphod has transported all players.
TerrA>Marple appears from nowhere.
TerrA>Asur appears from nowhere.
TerrA>Moses appears from nowhere.
TerrA>[Zaphod has performed a Transall]
TerrA>Lucas tells you 'when I'm told what it should be'
TerrA>Zaphod says 'thats better'
TerrA>Negrokin takes the poker.
TerrA>As Asur tries to pick up the lantern, she yanks her arm back after getting
a sharp magical shock from it.
TerrA>Asur drops her lantern.
TerrA>nod Lucas
Lucas is definitely right.
TerrA>Zaphod chuckles politely.
TerrA>Negrokin wields his poker.
TerrA>Negrokin grasps hold of his poker firmly.
TerrA>The dust on the floor gathers up into the form of Cryogenius.
TerrA>Cryogenius bows gracefully.
TerrA>Zaphod shrugs helplessly.
TerrA>Zaphod says 'too late now'
TerrA>Azrael grins broadly.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Marple pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Asur pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Azrael pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Marple quaffs her brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Azrael pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Azrael pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Azrael pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Azrael pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Azrael pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Azrael pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod throws the brew.
TerrA>Azrael pulls himself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod throws the brew.
TerrA>Zaphod throws the brew.
TerrA>Zaphod throws the brew.
TerrA>emote is always the Bridesmaid and never the bride :o(
Zaphod throws the brew.
TerrA>You emote : Ted is always the Bridesmaid and never the bride :o(
TerrA>Marple pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod throws the brew.
TerrA>Zaphod throws the brew.
TerrA>Azrael gives his brew to Asur.
TerrA>Asur pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod swallows his brew.
Marple swallows her brew.
TerrA>You sob uncontrollably.
TerrA>Azrael gives his brew to Moses.
TerrA>Zaphod swallows his brew.
TerrA>Zaphod swallows his brew.
TerrA>Asur pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod comforts you, and offers his sympathy.
TerrA>Asur pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Marple says 'hmmm'
TerrA>Zaphod says 'herrev halvhe a (belch)dnrrink'
TerrA>Negrokin pats you on the back.
TerrA>Zaphod gives you his brew.
TerrA>Azrael drinks his brew.
TerrA>Asur slurps her brew.
TerrA>thank Zaphod
Marv pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>You thank Zaphod.
TerrA>Zaphod gives you his brew.
TerrA>Asur quaffs her brew.
TerrA>Marv pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Marv pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Marv pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Asur slurps her brew.
TerrA>Marv pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Marv pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Negrokin tells you 'i It will be alright'
TerrA>Marv pulls herself a pint of TerraFirmA special brew.
TerrA>Zaphod smiles at you.
TerrA>summon 974
The pump suddenly vanishes!
TerrA>The pump magically appears in your hand.
It was in village12      | In the old seadog inn
You exclaim 'STOP IT!'
TerrA>Zaphod snuggles up to you.
TerrA>Asur swallows her brew.
TerrA>[Asur has made a mistake with alcohol poisoning in the old seadog inn (village12)]
TerrA>Asur has died.
TerrA>Asur drops her brew.
TerrA>You hear an ambulance approaching.
TerrA>An ambulance pulls up, and some medics recover the remains of Asur.
TerrA>One of the medics comments 'I hope they have insurance!'
TerrA>The ambulance pulls away hastily.
TerrA>Asur suddenly vanishes.
TerrA>Negrokin takes the brew.
You growl.
TerrA>Azrael comforts Asur, and offers his sympathy.
TerrA>Zaphod says 'we'll i lovesh ya Ted'
TerrA>Azrael nods solemnly.
== Who =========================================================================
 Level      Location    Title
 ---------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------
 [Lord    ] [Somewhere] [Lucas]
 [Stalwart] [Wedding  ] MindFlayer the Awesome >:-)
 [Stalwart] [Village  ] Cryogenius
 [Stalwart] [Wedding  ] Bliss might even be graduating this year!
 [Drunk   ] [Village  ] Zaphod
 [Counsel ] [Village  ] Ted the Bridesmaid
 [Drunk   ] [Village  ] Azrael: Good with Children and Animals
 [17      ] [Village  ] Carrie is VERY STRESSED
 [Drunk   ] [Village  ] Marple the Slayer
 [5       ] [Village  ] Moses says October 10, 1998 is a very good day!
 [5       ] [Village  ] Negrokin the Hunter
 [5       ] [Village  ] Marv the Huntress
 [Dead    ] [Silicon  ] Asur the Explorer
There are 13 visible people currently on the game. { 7 Untouchable }
TerrA>Brian the barman exclaims 'Oi, Negrokin! Down the ale or leave it, no take outs!'
TerrA>Azrael says 'yesh'
TerrA>Marv slurps her brew.
TerrA>Cryogenius raises his hat to you all.
TerrA>thank Zaphod
You thank Zaphod.
TerrA>Negrokin sighs loudly.
TerrA>Marple falls fast asleep.
TerrA>Marv pokes The Bard in the ribs.
TerrA>Carrie takes the brew.
TerrA>Negrokin swallows his brew.
TerrA>Azrael quaffs his brew.
TerrA>Carrie slurps her brew.
TerrA>Cryogenius crumbles into a pile of faint blue dust.
TerrA>Marple clambers to her feet.
TerrA>Negrokin examines the lantern closely.
Location [Village12] Flags [CantSummon][NoMobiles][Peaceful]
You are standing in the Old Seadog Inn
You see :
  A huge fireplace.
    The fireplace is lit.
  A large japanese lantern sitting on the counter.
  Friar tuck standing here.
  The Bard standing here.
  Brian the barman standing here.
  Azrael swaying drunkenly here providing light.
  Zaphod swaying drunkenly here providing light.
  Negrokin swaying drunkenly here.
  Marv swaying drunkenly here.
  Carrie swaying drunkenly here.
  Moses standing here.
  Marple swaying drunkenly here.
Obvious exits are :
  East  : Behind The Bar                                : village13
  West  : Inn Yard                                      : village11
TerrA>Azrael exclaims 'to the (belch)happy couple!'
TerrA>As Negrokin tries to pick up the lantern, he yanks his arm back after getting
a sharp magical shock from it.
TerrA>Negrokin drops his lantern.
TerrA>Azrael downs his brew.
TerrA>Marv says 'to tshe happy couple'
TerrA>Carrie exclaims 'to the Hayppy couple!'
Location [Village13] Flags [CantSummon][Peaceful]
You are standing in the Behind The Bar
You see :
  A pump labelled: 'Terra Special Brew'.
  A pump carrying the legendary 'New Peckuleear'.
  A small white piece of chalk.
Obvious exits are :
  East  : Barman's Room                                 : village14
  West  : Old Seadog Inn                                : village12
  Down  : Cellar Steps                                  : village15
You are carrying :
    A beautiful bridal bouquet.
    A flaggon of Terradome Special brew.
    A flaggon of Terradome Special brew.
    A pump labelled 'Terra Special Brew'.
    A flaggon of Terradome Special brew.
    A flaggon of Terradome Special brew.
    A flaggon of Terradome Special brew.
    A flaggon of Terradome Special brew.
    A flaggon of Terradome Special brew.
    A flaggon of Terradome Special brew.
TerrA>ex pump
You examine your pump closely
The most potent brew in the game.  The Samaritan's 'Guide To The Terra
Adventures' ascribes certain properties to this beer:

 '. . . Terra Special Brew is a must for anyone who is tired of life.
  Drinking it can be compared to pouring lighter fuel down your gullet and
  lighting a slow fuse attached to your tongue, whilst being slapped round
  the back of the head by a copper kettle."

TerrA>drop all
You drop your bouquet.
You drop your brew.
You drop your brew.
You drop your brew.
You drop your brew.
You drop your brew.
You drop your brew.
You drop your pump.
The pump vanishes into thin air.
You drop your brew.
You drop your brew.
TerrA>Zaphod licks your face like a puppy.
TerrA>t bouquet
You take the bouquet.
TerrA>smile Zaphod
You smile at Zaphod.
Location [Village12] Flags [CantSummon][NoMobiles][Peaceful]
You are standing in the Old Seadog Inn
You see :
  A huge fireplace.
    The fireplace is lit.
  A large japanese lantern sitting on the counter.
  Friar tuck standing here.
  The Bard standing here.
  Brian the barman standing here.
  Azrael swaying drunkenly here providing light.
  Zaphod swaying drunkenly here providing light.
  Marple swaying drunkenly here.
  Marv swaying drunkenly here.
  Carrie swaying drunkenly here.
  Moses standing here.
Obvious exits are :
  East  : Behind The Bar                                : village13
  West  : Inn Yard                                      : village11
TerrA>Moses quaffs his brew.
TerrA>[Zaphod forced Moses to drink brew]
TerrA>[Zaphod forced Moses to drink brew]
TerrA>[Zaphod forced Moses to drink brew]
TerrA>Carrie says 'No onesh seveirr gonna marrgrry mex......'
TerrA>Carrie bursts into tears.
TerrA>Marple exclaims 'noo! Thinks posshitive!'
TerrA>Azrael comforts Carrie, and offers his sympathy.
TerrA>Marv comforts Carrie, and offers her sympathy.
TerrA>Carrie sobs uncontrollably.
TerrA>Asur appears from nowhere.
== Who =========================================================================
 Level      Location    Title
 ---------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------
 [Lord    ] [Somewhere] [Lucas]
 [Stalwart] [Wedding  ] MindFlayer the Awesome >:-)
 [Stalwart] [Home     ] Cryogenius
 [Stalwart] [Wedding  ] Bliss might even be graduating this year!
 [Drunk   ] [Village  ] Zaphod
 [Counsel ] [Hamelin  ] Ted the Bridesmaid
 [Drunk   ] [Village  ] Azrael: Good with Children and Animals
 [Drunk   ] [Village  ] Carrie is VERY STRESSED
 [Drunk   ] [Village  ] Marple the Slayer
 [Drunk   ] [Village  ] Moses says October 10, 1998 is a very good day!
 [Drunk   ] [Castle   ] Negrokin the Hunter
 [Drunk   ] [Village  ] Marv the Huntress
 [3       ] [Village  ] Asur the Explorer
There are 13 visible people currently on the game. { 7 Untouchable }
TerrA>The Bard has been kicked off.
TerrA>Carrie shouts 'oop'
Cryogenius gossips 'later folks!'
TerrA>MindFlayer shouts 'FORE!!!'
TerrA>High above the screaming figure of Keroth tumbles helplessly through the air.
TerrA>Cryogenius raises his hat to you.
TerrA>[Zaphod forced Moses to drink brew]
TerrA>[Zaphod forced Moses to drink brew]
TerrA>[Zaphod forced Moses to drink brew]
TerrA>[Zaphod forced Moses to drink brew]
TerrA>[Zaphod forced Moses to drink brew]
TerrA>[Zaphod forced Moses to drink brew]
TerrA>[Moses has made a mistake with alcohol poisoning in the old seadog inn (village12)]
TerrA>Death proclaims solemnly 'Moses has fallen to Charmer.'
TerrA>[Moses changed level from 5 to 4]
TerrA>[Zaphod forced Moses to drink brew]
TerrA>[Zaphod forced Moses to drink brew]
TerrA>Zaphod shouts 'hehehehehe'
TerrA>Carrie shouts 'shtop ywhat?'
TerrA><Bliss> u evil little shit! u killed him
TerrA><Zaphod> yeah
TerrA><Zaphod> what can i say
TerrA><Azrael> shorrrry?
TerrA><Lucas> leave Moses alone
TerrA><Bliss> well I can say this...
TerrA>Zaphod has been kicked off.
You laugh your head off.
TerrA>chat cool
<Ted> cool
TerrA>TerrA>Lucas smiles at Firefly.
TerrA><Bliss> sorry. :)
TerrA>Zaphod clambers to his feet.
TerrA>Zaphod decides to grace you with his presence.
TerrA><Zaphod> what ya do that for?
TerrA><Zaphod> i was just living up to my attitude
TerrA>chat for being a bastard
<Ted> for being a bastard
TerrA><Zaphod> bah
TerrA>[Negrokin has reconnected]
TerrA><Zaphod> he dont mind
TerrA>chat how do yo know???
<Ted> how do yo know???
TerrA>TerrA><Zaphod> well i haven't had any objections from him
TerrA><Zaphod> hehehe
TerrA>Moses appears from nowhere.
TerrA>Moses clambers to his feet.
TerrA><Azrael> doesh he everr shpeak?
TerrA>chat it's not funny!
<Ted> it's not funny!
TerrA>TerrA><Zaphod> not much
TerrA>Elmo clambers to his feet.
TerrA>[Elmo the Charmer enters in the ye olde turfe taverne (hamelin41)]
TerrA>[Elmo is from United Kingdom]
TerrA>The Crier sings aloud 'Would you please join me in welcoming in Elmo'
TerrA>Elmo has entered the game.
TerrA>chat yes he does
<Ted> yes he does
Marple gossips 'Hi Elmo!'
TerrA>Marv shouts 'Hi Elmo!'
TerrA>hug Elmo
You hug Elmo.
Location [Hamelin41] Flags [NoMobiles][NoMagic][Peaceful][Party][Start][Healing]
You are standing in the Ye Olde Turfe Taverne
    This is a large, cheery tavern where many people come to drink and even
seek some entertainment from time to time after a long day of adventuring.
The bar is made out of beautiful handcarved oak, and you also notice that the
bar is fully stocked. An old sign is pinned to the wall.
    To the west you may enter Hamelin Streete near the town square, to the
south you could clamber behind the bar. Above you is a vortex.
You see :
  A rather large spittoon that can be used to deposit items.
  A door leading to the Reading Room.
    The door is open.
  Lucas standing here providing light.
  Zaphod standing here providing light.
  Moses standing here.
  Elmo standing here.
Obvious exits are :
  East  : Reading Room                                  : hamelin44
  South : Behind the Bar                                : hamelin42
  West  : Hamelin Streete                            : hamelin2
  Up    : Vortex                                        : start2
TerrA>Elmo has gone east.
TerrA>Elmo has arrived from the east.
TerrA>Elmo has gone west.
TerrA>[Bingo the Assassin enters in the northwest tower airlock (start6)]
TerrA>[Bingo is from United Kingdom]
TerrA>The Town crier sings aloud 'Would you please join me in welcoming in Bingo'
Marv gossips 'hi Bingo!'
TerrA>Bingo shouts 'hiyas :)'
TerrA>Zaphod shouts 'time for some pit jumping'
TerrA>Zaphod makes a perfect swan dive off the ledge...
TerrA><<<< B O I N G >>>>
TerrA>Zaphod is catapulted out of the spittoon and into the blue yonder...
TerrA>High above the screaming figure of Zaphod tumbles helplessly through the air.
TerrA>Zaphod arrives on his presidential floating sofa.
TerrA><<<< B O I N G >>>>
TerrA>Carrie is catapulted out of the pit and into the blue yonder...
TerrA>High above the screaming figure of Carrie tumbles helplessly through the air.
TerrA>Bingo shouts 'byeeeeeeee!!!!'
TerrA>[Quitting Game: Bingo]
TerrA>[Bingo has departed from the northwest tower airlock (start6)]
TerrA>Elmo has arrived from the west.
TerrA>As Elmo travels upwards he rapidly disintegrates into nothing.
TerrA>The Crier shouts joyfully 'Elmo has advanced to Hunter.'
TerrA>[Elmo changed level from 4 to 5]
TerrA>ex bouqet
You see nothing special.
TerrA>ex bouquet
You examine your bouquet closely
This elegant bridal boquet is comprised of delicate white and red rosebuds,
embraced by glistening green leaves.
TerrA>Marv shouts 'weull done!o!!!'
TerrA>Zaphod examines you closely.
TerrA>Zaphod licks your face like a puppy.
TerrA><Lucas> brb
TerrA>Lucas goes back to the real world.
TerrA>Carrie has arrived from the west.
TerrA>Zaphod examines Moses curiously.
TerrA>Zaphod examines Moses's inventory.
Carrie shouts 'bye all - bbl :)'
TerrA>Carrie has left the game.
TerrA>[Quitting Game: Carrie]
TerrA>[Carrie has departed from the ye olde turfe taverne (hamelin41)]
TerrA>Zaphod shouts 'what can i do now?'
TerrA>Bliss folds Zaphod into a paper aeroplane and launches them into the sky.
TerrA>High above the screaming figure of Zaphod tumbles helplessly through the air.
TerrA>Marple shouts 'quests, or something else?'
Azrael gossips 'anyone up forr a drrifnking ctompaetyition?'
TerrA>gossip okay >:o-)
You gossip 'okay >:o-)'
Azrael gossips 'any morrtalsh????'
TerrA><Azrael> *egrrin*
TerrA>gossip DON'T DO IT MORTALS!!!
You gossip 'DON'T DO IT MORTALS!!!'
TerrA>[Marv has fled from The Shepherd]
Azrael gossips 'cobme on!  What havle you sgot to oloshe??l?'
Lucas gossips 'a few levels'
TerrA>Azrael smiles happily.
Asur gossips 'i will - shhould be a (belch)laugh!!'
Azrael gossips 'rofl'
TerrA><Sickboy> longest room change in history there :)
TerrA><Sickboy> from uni to my house
TerrA><Lucas> what time?
TerrA>[The Crab has been slain by Elmo]
TerrA>Zaphod shouts 'bah who put me in here?'
TerrA>chat rofl
<Ted> rofl
TerrA>Zaphod arrives on his presidential floating sofa.
Asur gossips 'when doesh the competitbion shtarrt?'
Azrael gossips 'when ish everryone rrteady??g?y'
TerrA>cheer negro
You cheer Negrokin on.
Asur gossips 'i amj rready mnow!!'
TerrA>Death proclaims solemnly 'Marv has fallen to Charmer.'
TerrA>[Marv changed level from 5 to 4]
TerrA>[Marv has been slain by The Sheepdog]
TerrA>Zaphod hears the cops coming and leaves east
TerrA>Caeli clambers to her feet.
TerrA>[Caeli the Explorer enters in the ye olde turfe taverne (hamelin41)]
TerrA>[Caeli is from United Kingdom]
TerrA>The Crier sings aloud 'Would you please join me in welcoming in Caeli'
TerrA>Caeli has entered the game.
TerrA>Caeli shouts 'hiya'
TerrA>Caeli's rogueblade shifts out of focus before snapping back again.
TerrA>Caeli's roguesuit appears to become transparent momentarily.
TerrA>Zaphod arrives in his usual flamboiant style.
MindFlayer gossips 'OK ppl, i have to dissapear... Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeyah!'
TerrA>A huge holographic image of MindFlayer in a revealing pose fills the sky above you.
TerrA>[Pose performed by MindFlayer]
TerrA>Marple shouts 'hello!'
TerrA>hug mind
You hug MindFlayer.
Bliss gossips 'bye honey. ;)'
TerrA>MindFlayer hugs you close.
TerrA><Lucas> splittinf headache :(
TerrA>Caeli shouts 'whats going on? anythign?'
TerrA>mind bye darlign happy wedding
You tell MindFlayer 'bye darlign happy wedding'
TerrA>hug Lucas
You hug Lucas.
TerrA>Elmo appears, looking stunned, in the corner.
TerrA>cure Lucas
You concentrate on the Majick and focus....
Massaging Lucas's shoulders gently, you smile as he visibly relaxes.
Asur gossips 'what happened to all my brew?'
TerrA>As Elmo travels upwards he rapidly disintegrates into nothing.
TerrA><Lucas> brb..idle
TerrA>Marple shouts 'poss drinking competition!'
TerrA>Caeli shouts 'cool...can I play? Im only ickle though...'
TerrA>Elmo appears, looking stunned, in the corner.
Azrael gossips 'can you email them (belch)to jme????'
TerrA>Azrael shouts 'shurre'
TerrA>shout where are they?
You shout 'where are they?'
TerrA>Marv has arrived from the west.
TerrA>Elmo has gone west.
TerrA>Caeli disappears in a puff of smoke.
TerrA>Zaphod shouts 'where?'
TerrA>Marv has arrived from the west.
TerrA>Caeli shouts 'what will happen if I drink too much?'
TerrA>Zaphod goes off to find some froody people.
TerrA>Sickboy shouts 'you die!'
TerrA>Caeli shouts 'hmmm'
TerrA>Sickboy shouts 'but what a way to go :)'
TerrA>Caeli shouts 'Im quite hard..Im level 3!'
TerrA>[Asur has made a mistake with alcohol poisoning in the old seadog inn (village12)]
TerrA>Sickboy shouts 'bye all'
TerrA>Zaphod shouts 'shee i havve amazisng (belch)dtolerrance bto brrewk'
TerrA>[Bryan the Explorer enters in the ye olde turfe taverne (hamelin41)]
TerrA>[Bryan is from Unknown (Numerical)]
TerrA>The Town crier sings aloud 'Would you please join me in welcoming in Bryan'
TerrA>Bliss shouts 'bye bye'
TerrA>[Quitting Game: Caeli]
TerrA>[Caeli has departed from the ye olde turfe taverne (hamelin41)]
TerrA>Marv shouts 'hiya Life of......!'
TerrA>A huge holographic image of Bliss in a revealing pose fills the sky above you.
TerrA>[Pose performed by Bliss]
TerrA>[Hatfield the Valiant enters in the southeast tower airlock (start5)]
TerrA>[Hatfield is from Unknown (Numerical)]
TerrA>The Town crier sings aloud 'Would you please join me in welcoming in Hatfield'
TerrA>'looks like I had better go
You say 'looks like I had better go'
TerrA>Marv shouts 'happy honeymoon!!'
== Who =========================================================================
 Level      Location    Title
 ---------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------
 [Creator ] [Somewhere] [Luckyspin] You can't get better than a Kwit fit fitter!
 [Lord    ] [Somewhere] [Lucas] [Away][Idle]
 [Advisor ] [Somewhere]  Firefly  [Working]
 [Stalwart] [Village  ] Bliss might even be graduating this year!
 [Drunk   ] [Village  ] Zaphod [Idle]
 [Counsel ] [Home     ] Ted the Bridesmaid
 [Classic ] [Village  ] Azrael: Good for Children and Animals
 [17      ] [Rome     ] Carrie is VERY STRESSED
 [9       ] [Salvation] Hatfield the Valiant
 [6       ] [Blizzard ] Negrokin the Pathfinder
 [5       ] [Hamelin  ] Elmo the Hunter
 [4       ] [Hamelin  ] Moses the Charmer
 [4       ] [Hamelin  ] Marv the Charmer
 [3       ] [Hamelin  ] Bryan the Explorer [Mailing]
 [3       ] [Hamelin  ] Asur the Explorer
 [1       ] [Induction] Kaoru the Beginner
There are 17 visible people currently on the game. { 8 Untouchable }
<Ted> right I'm off now folkies
TerrA><Bliss> when you get a minute can you put me and mindy up as married now plze
TerrA>Dark clouds boil across the sky as a heavy storm breaks.
TerrA>[Weather change to Blizzard by Luckyspin]
TerrA><Azrael> bye then
TerrA>chat lovelly wedding and all
<Ted> lovelly wedding and all
TerrA>TerrA><Bliss> *giggle*
TerrA><Bliss> see ya
TerrA>chat bye
<Ted> bye
You have abandoned the party.
The party has broken up.

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