

There are many new features due in to the game soon, as well as several new quests in the pipeline. Besides many bug fixes and general improvements, the biggest thing to look for soon is the arrival of riding animals. You'll get places faster, and have more fun doing it! Also, say goodbye to the Droid and Robocop, as they have decided to retire - but never fear, they will be replaced by new law enforcement.

As always, get information about the latest work in the game by using INFO NEWSTUFF and INFO WORKDONE.


It has not been long since the last issue... and there have been no new additions to the ranks of Untouchables. Keep working on it people!


Minor fixes and updates have been ongoing, as always, at the TF web site. There are new quest icons for the latest quests (see the GUIDE section) and work is underway to update the design of some main pages at the site. Keep an eye out.